Jan 13

上百本 Kindle 版電子書今天特價折扣下殺二五折

[01/13/2015] 特價只有今天。上百本 Kindle 版電子書,今天特價折扣下殺二五折。跟之前的言情小說促銷不同,今天有更多人文社會科學與自然科學的書刊選項,喜歡讀書的朋友們,記得去看看喲。例如”華盛頓的崛起”,The Ascent of George Washington: The Hidden Political Genius of an American Icon [Kindle Edition],定價$15.99,目前特價只要$1.99 USD。哪裡買: amazon

或是分子生物學家撰寫的 Brain Rules ,Brain Rules (Updated and Expanded): 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School [Kindle Edition],定價$10.99,目前特價只要$2.99 USD。哪裡買: amazon

或是職場成功密技 ,How to Succeed in Business Without Really Crying [Kindle Edition] Carol Leifer (Author),定價$19.95,目前特價只要$3.99 USD。哪裡買: amazon

或是這本反省環保運動可能帶來的衝擊 ,Eco-Tyranny: How the Left’s Green Agenda will Dismantle America [Kindle Edition] Brian Sussman (Author),定價$9.95,目前特價只要$1.99 USD。哪裡買: amazon

更多選擇,請看: amazon Kindle books

Kindle版電子書可以透過免費App來閱讀,請看: Amazon.com – Read eBooks using the FREE Kindle Reading App on Most Devices

Dec 29


[12/28/2014] Amazon 目前有25本Kindle版童書,25 Kids’ Books, $1 Each ,每本特價只要$1.00 USD。例如,The Spaghetti-Slurping Sewer Serpent [Kindle Edition] Laura Ripes (Author), Aaron Zenz (Illustrator),Kindle版電子書,特價$1.00 USD。Prime 境內免運費。哪裡買:amazon




更多選擇,請看: amazon 童書