Apr 04


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Daniel Kahneman (Author)
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[04/04/2014] 心理學暢銷書,Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking [Kindle Edition] Susan Cain (Author),Kindle版電子書,定價$16.99,目前特價$2.99 USD。境內免運費。哪裡買: amazon

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Apr 04


[04/04/2014] 特價只有今天。經典動作片”法櫃奇兵”大全集,Indiana Jones: The Complete Adventures (Raiders of the Lost Ark / Temple of Doom / Last Crusade / Kingdom of the Crystal Skull) [Blu-ray] (2011),重新轉錄成高畫質藍光片,評價非常好,定價$76.99,今天特價$29.99 USD。Prime境內免運費。哪裡買: amazon